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Ukrainian Journal of Chemotherapy.- 2000.- № 4.


Neoadjuvant chemotherapy for unresectable liver metastases of colorectal cancer - too good to be true?
M.M. Borner 

The efficacy chemotherapy with fluorouracil in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer achives 10%. The efficacy chemotherapy with irinotecan, oxaliplatin with fluorouracil and leucovorin increases to 67%. Chronomodulated chemotherapy with this drugs has increased the efficacy from 29% till 51%, quantity of resectable patients, 5-year patient outcome to 59% and has decreased toxicity of the drugs. The prospectives of further chemotherapeutic approaches and endpoints of future randomized studies have been discussed.
Key words: irinotecan, oxaliplatin, leucovorin, fluorouracil, chemotherapy, chronomodulation, colorectal cancer
Borner M.M. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy for unresectable liver metastases of colorectal cancer - too good to be true? // Ukr. J. Chemotherapy.- 2000.- N 4.- P. 3 - 7


Chemotherapeutic pathomorphosis of malignat tumors
K.A. Galakhin, O.G. Yugrinov, E.G. Kurik, M.M. Melnyk, M.V. Koshubarova, T.V. Polyacova, V.V. Bazdyrev

From the point of view of morphology summarized imaginations on the effect of chemotherapy on malignant tumor with morphologic estimation of it efficacy.
Key words: tumor, morphology, chemotherapy, pathomorphosis.
Chemotherapeutic pathomorphosis of malignat tumors / K.A. Galakhin, O.G. Yugrinov, E.G. Kurik and al. // Ukr. J. Chemotherapy.- 2000.- N 4.- P. 8 - 12 


Mycosis and antifungal preparations
H. Surmesheva, S. Chernovolenko

The authors has reported modern data on mycotic infections classification. The materials concerning systemic mycosis has described more detail. There has been observed modern classification of antifungal preparations, mechanism of its action and way of use. 
Key words: mycosis, candidosis, cryptococcosis, aspergilosis, antifungal preparations
Surmesheva H., Chernovolenko S. Mycosis and antifungal preparations  // Ukr. J. Chemotherapy.- 2000.- N 4.- P. 13 - 16


Criterion of endolymphatic chemotherapy effectiveness in patients with advanced malignant tumor of a mammary gland and an ovary
O.V. Kajryak, N.Y. Lisovskaya

The purpose of the study has been determining the criterion of endolymphatic chemotherapy effectiveness on the basis of immunology and molecular-genetic characteristics of peripheral blood lymphocytes. The ability of peripheral blood lymphocytes to apoptosis on the registration single strand DNA in gel-electrophoresis in patients with advanced malignant tumors of a mammary gland and an ovary was estimated before the treatment; the size index of leucocytes affinity to antigens of primary tumor and placenta in LAI-test in dynamics, before the treatment and in the process of chemotherapy. The registration of single strand DNA fragments in peripheral blood mononuclears before the realization of combined treatment and decrease of leucocytes affinity to malignant tumor antigen with its simultaneous growth to placenta antigen in the process of treatment was correlated with the clear clinical effect of chemotherapy. The received results confirm the system character of chemotherapy action, which influences not only on a tumor; chemotherapy drugs influence upon immunocompetative cells, restoring their ability to apoptosis.
Key words: endolymphatic chemotherapy, peripheral blood lymphocytes, apoptosis, single strand DNA, LAI-test.
Kajryak O.V., Lisovskaya N.Y. Criterion of endolymphatic chemotherapy effectiveness in patients with advanced malignant tumor of a mammary gland and an ovary // Ukr. J. Chemotherapy.- 2000.- N 4.- P. 17 - 22


Studying of efficacy the l-thyroxin-farmak in treatment the patients with thyroid gland cancer
D.S. Mechov, M.I. Borshchevskaya, N.I. Polyakova, S.S. Zamyatin, M.V. Kroushinskiy

The results of performed studying have shown that suppressive and substitute hormonotherapy using sodium laevothyroxin produced by ojv "farmak", ukraine, (l-thyroxin-farmak) (37 patients) and produced by "berlin-chemie", germany, (l-thyroxin 50 berlin-chemie) (25 patients) for postoperative treatment the patients with high differential thyroid gland cancer (tgc) with radioactive 131I (marked sodium iodide131) has equal high efficacy and permits to achieve identical results of radioimmunologic tests and patients' life quality the patients with thyroid gland cancer.
Key words: thyroid gland cancer, radioidinetherapy, that suppressive hormonotherapy, laevothyroxin.
Studying of efficacy the l-thyroxin-farmak in treatment the patients 
with thyroid gland cancer /
D.S. Mechov, M.I. Borshchevskaya, N.I. Polyakova and al. // Ukr. J. Chemotherapy.- 2000.- N 4.- P. 23 - 26


New conception of cancerogenesis & perspectives of antitumor treatment
E.I. Suslov, T.P. Podgayevskaya

An original conception for the role of calcium-depending nuclear proteins regulation of a DNA function is substantiated. The efficiency of novel drug SP-1 to Lewis's lung carcinoma (3LL) metastases growth in С57ВL/6 mice has been tested. The antitumour and antimetastatic activity of this drug composed of calcium with complexon has been obtained. The pathophysiologic mechanisms of these effects are a formation of the blockade to the proliferation process and stimulation of the apoptotic process in tumor cells. On this base it was grounded the high role of a new trend in the oncoprofhylaxis and аntitumor drug.
Key words: cancerogenesis, treatment of lung tumor, Са2+-connecting proteins apoptosis, Lewis's carcinoma.
Suslov E.I., Podgayevskaya T.P. New conception of cancerogenesis & perspectives of antitumor treatment // Ukr. J. Chemotherapy.- 2000.- N 4.- P. 27 - 31


Side effects of chemotherapy and their correction inthe patients with advanced ovarian cancer
G.V. Evtushenko, V.C. Svincicky

Observation of complication in 217 patients with advanced ovarian cancer who received systemic intravenous and regional intraperitoneal chemotherapy with inclusion of platinum preparations as well as hemosorbtion in initially expressed endogenous intoxication after chemotherapy with platinum preparations are given. Schemes of detoxification and correcting therapy in endogenous toxemia and chemotherapy of complications are grounded.
Key words: ovarian cancer, chemotherapy, drugs of platinum, intoxication, mielodepression, antiemetic effect, hemosorbtion
Evtushenko G.V., Svincicky V.C. Side effects of chemotherapy and their correction inthe patients with advanced ovarian cancer // Ukr. J. Chemotherapy.- 2000.- N 4.- P. 32 - 36


The appliance of ciprofloxacin for prevention of festering and inflammatory complications 
after traumatologic and orthopedic operations.
V.N. Levenets, A.V. Kostenko

Summary. The article contains the results of CIPRINOL (ciprofloxacin) treatment of 68 patients who were complaining due to various injuries including open traumas and diseases of support and locomotion system after having performed stable-functional osteosynthesis (37) and reconstruction operations (31) on knee and hip joints. The clinical, laboratory, X-ray and microbiological investigations have proved the effectiveness of CIPRINOL treatment as a preventive remedy against festering and inflammatory complications.
Key word: ciprofloxacin, festering and inflammatory complications, support and locomotion system

Levenets V.N., Kostenko  A.V. The appliance of ciprofloxacin for prevention of festering and inflammatory complications after traumatologic and orthopedic operations // Ukr. J. Chemotherapy.- 2000.- N 4.- P. 37 - 40




The dynamic of ejaculate changes after operative and conservative treatment the patients with varicocele and vesiculitis
O.I. Pershukov

The results of performed study has shown that the main feature of vesiculi function in patients with varicocele (VAR) is larger ejaculate volume compared with patients with vesiculitis (VES) and healthy men. Conservative treatment the VAR patients with VES with results in increase of spermatozoids concentration. The operative treatment VAR decreases the concentration of spermatozoids in ejaculate. 
Keywords: varicocele, vesiculitis.
Pershukov O.I. The dynamic of ejaculate changes after operative and conservative treatment the patients with varicocele and vesiculitis // Ukr. J. Chemotherapy.- 2000.- N 4.- P. 41 - 45




Use amoxicillin/clavulanic acid for treatment of patient with multi-drug resistant lung tuberculosis 
S.A. Cherenko

The results of study in vitro demonstrated that amoxicillin clavulanate has moderate activity against standard strain of Micobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv, its minimal inhibing concentration (МІC) in liquid media Proskauer-Beck 10 мg/l. After taking of dosage 1,2 g amoxicillin clavulanate created moderate bacteriostatic concentration in blood. Amoxicillin clavulanate has clinical efficacy in treatment of patients with multi-drug resistant lung tuberculosi, consisting in decreasing of excretion of MBT and resorption of infiltrative and focalis lesions in lungs.
Key words: multi-drug resistant lung tuberculosis, amoxicillin clavulanate, chemotherapy of tuberculosis. 
Cherenko S.A.Use amoxicillin/clavulanic acid for treatment of patient with multi-drug resistant lung tuberculosis // Ukr. J. Chemotherapy.- 2000.- N 4.- P. 46 - 49




New immunosupressant drugs
M.O.Kolesnyk, I.I.Lapchynska, M.M.Selyuk

The foreign literature data concerning the features of principally new immunosupressive drugs application in clinical practice and experiments are summarized. The application schemes, side effects of these drugs in nephrologic patients and kidney allograft recipients are described. The difficulties of immunosupressive therapy and the ways of their surmounting are proposed.
Key words: Immunosupressants, crisis of allograft rejection, immunity. 
Kolesnyk M.O., Lapchynska I.I., Selyuk M.M. New immunosupressant drugs // Ukr. J. Chemotherapy.- 2000.- N 4.- P. 50 - 54




Modern representations about differentiated treatment of a chronic glomerulonephritis
I.V. Mukhin

Summary. The treatment of a chronic glomerulonephritis remains composite and not resolved up to the end problem. For the last years the approaches to selection of medical tactics subjected to changes. Some problems of differentiated treatment of the morphological forms of a chronic glomerulonephritis up to the end have not been designed. In the review the modern views on realization of varied disease therapy have been submitted.
Key words: chronic glomerulonephritis, differentiated treatment.

Mukhin I.V. Modern representations about differentiated treatment of a chronic glomerulonephritis // Ukr. J. Chemotherapy.- 2000.- N 4.- P. 55 - 60


Urinary tract infections in pregnancy
A.I. Dyadyk, A.E. Bagriy, N.F. Yarovaya, M.V. Homenko, D.B. Reznikov, 
Yu.V. Roschin, I.G. Bagriy

Summary. In the second review devoted to urinary tract infections (UTI) at pregnancy, the modern representations of antibacterial drugs is described in treatment of urinary tract infections in pregnancy woman. Methods and approaches of therapy of forms with and without clinical manifestation are also discussed.
Key words: urinary tract, pregnancy, infection, etiology.
Urinary tract infections in pregnancy / A.I. Dyadyk, A.E. Bagriy, N.F. Yarovaya and al. // Ukr. J. Chemotherapy.- 2000.- N 4.- P. 61 - 65


Mechanisms of antibiotic nephrotoxicity
O.O. Yakovleva, V.V. Tsaruk

The data on various nephrotoxicity mechanisms of antibiotics such as aminoglycosides, cephalosporins have been generalized, the prevention methods and renal function control during antibiotic therapy have been listed.
Key words: antibiotics, nephrotoxicity mechanisms, aminoglycosides, cephalosporins, nephrotoxicity prevention.
Yakovleva O.O., Tsaruk V.V. Mechanisms of antibiotic nephrotoxicity // Ukr. J. Chemotherapy.- 2000.- N 4.- P. 66 - 72


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